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Make Empowered Connections!


Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of personal and professional development? Are you ready to make connections that will empower you to walk out in your God-given purpose? 


At Ignite UR Glow, we understand the unique challenges and aspirations of women in Christ. We are passionate about helping you lead successful and fulfilling lives, aligning your goals with your faith and purpose.

It is time for you to rediscover your inner spark and reclaim your glow. Life can throw challenges your way, and sometimes, you lose sight of your true potential. That's where we come in. We understand that as a boss woman you may have experienced some challenges to get where you are. Your journey isn't just about you, but about those that you are connected with. We would like to connect with you as empowered partner to guide you along the way of walking in purpose with the resources needed to shift your mindset and overcome those self-limiting belief  systems. You are wonderfully and fearfully made (Psalm 139:14). Designed by the Lord and filled with predestined purpose. Now, it's time to walk in it!

Ignite UR Glow 

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Jessica is truly an incredible and encouraging individual with a breathtakingly powerful way with words that struck me at my core and helped motivate me to reshape my mindset. As a nursing student, I often found myself becoming my worse critic by doubting my worthiness to accept opportunities that came. However, thanks to her words, I have since then learned to create a positive mindset and not let fears, doubts, or negativity stop me from reaching for greater heights.

This session was phenomenal. It was definitely transparent and amazingly helpful for the directions God is taking me in. Jessica was patient and calm in speaking with me. She is definitely a God driven woman here to help other women of God. I pray God blesses her and her endeavors. I am so glad I took the leap of faith and scheduled this call. 

“You all should try the Empowerment Session with Jessica. It will be worth it she is amazing truly being used by God. Blessings to Jessia and her team.”

"I want to say thank you so much seriously. I wish we could have spoke longer but I appreciate the insight on how to push forward and trust God. You have shown me more than I can think of"

Ignite UR Glow

Jessica has led the foundation of Ignite UR Glow where entrepreneurs and individuals are taught, supported and guided to be who they were called to be.

This is a place to be encourage with the love of God. We appreciate any purchase and support. Join Jessica Harris to start living the blessed life you deserve.

Steps Towards your Destiny

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