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Protect Your Peace: Don't Let Them In Your Head

Writer: Jessica Harris Jessica Harris

It takes courage to stand before others and share your story. It takes a boldness to speak up and profess the word of God. It takes trusting in the Lord to direct your steps and having faith that He is holding you up the entire time. I say all of this to say, people will talk, but you don't have to let them in your head.

The journey that God has you on is not dictated by the preconceived notions or opinions that others may have about you. Better yet, their opinions are not any of your business. What is your business is following and doing what God has placed on your heart to do. Sometimes those instructions won't make sense to you or the people around you. The question you have ton ask yourself is, do you trust God?

You see, me leaving to a state I've never been to before was not something I had ever thought to do. Yet, God already laid out the path and plan for me to do it. It didn't start the day that I left. It started well before that. God laid a foundation down for me to learn more about Him and His ways. That allowed me to learn how to trust Him in the process. When you look at your experiences that you have endured the good, bad and the ugly. They may not all be the pleasant ones you want to talk about. God is such a good God that He will use it despite what it may have tried to do to you.

This past weekend, I could feel in prayer how much God was moving through His children and their journeys. So many were having to step out in ways they had not done so before. It was important to be mindful about speaking on someone else's path. You don't know what God was doing with them and the purpose. Therefore it is not for you to judge. God is being God and He will do what He needs to do to get His children in the position of which He is calling them. He will process them how He sees fit to prepare for what is up ahead.

At the end of the day, God wishes for no man to perish. He loves His bride so much that he is willing to come for her and give her a chance to get it right and repent for her wrongs. That is the mercy and grace that God gives us each day.

That's why it's imperative to guard your space. Guard your ear gates, your eye gates, your heart, etc. To also lean more into God so he can fortify you in Him so when they do have something to say about it, it won't even phase you. Listen, God will build you up to have thicker skin. I know this because He did it with me.

I used to be in my feelings at some of the comments that I would hear people say to me or regarding me. Then I started to give them and their words to God. God would remind me of what He said and soon their words didn't hurt. Instead, I just asked God to give them clarity and understanding of what He is doing in their life. I asked God for grace and mercy to be with them because they were speaking about what they didn't know. I also had to learn that I didn't have to receive every comment or thing spoken to me or about. I had the authority to rebuke and so I did that as well. God is a great teacher and He will show you how to maneuver through the murky waters that may arise on your journey.


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Jessica has led the foundation of Ignite UR Glow where entrepreneurs and individuals are taught, supported and guided to be who they were called to be.

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